Building and Infrastructure Consortium (BIC)

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Group Name: Building and Infrastructure Consortium (BIC)

Objective: Building and Infrastructure Consortium

Group Project:

Chairman: Vice Chairman: Secretary:

Housing and Shelter are part of the basic needs of man. Nigeria is facing housing constraints and challenges in rural and urban regions. Rural areas are faced with few houses of poor quality while the urban areas have lots of quality houses. Still, they are either costly for the average individual or too sparse to accommodate the rapid population growth in the cities and towns. Social features that increase the value of a house include electricity supply, water supply, and accessibility. The cost of building materials also places importance on the quality of homes.

These factors makes suitable housing almost accessible to the low and medium-income earners and vulnerable groups.

This specialist group of GNA is focused on shelter and housing matters. The focal purpose is to make/influence implementable housing policies that will provide affordable housing for Nigerians.


Implementation of an efficient housing policy to increase access to land and building materials, ensure maintenance of available houses, and provide affordable housing for low-income earners.


1. To determine the challenges faced by the Nigerian housing policy and proffer workable solutions to meet the demands of the housing challenges.

2. To collaborate with the Ministry of Land and housing, including rural and town planning to ensure implementable solutions to the housing problems in Nigeria.

3. To ensure that Nigerians have access to affordable, reasonable, and quality shelter, not just in quantity.

4. To organize conferences and seminars to improve housing and provide quality shelter.


Members includes architects, builders, land surveyors, structural engineers, quantity surveyors, civil engineers, electrical engineers, mechanical engineers, and estate agents.

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The Great Nigerian Assembly (GNA) is a global coalition of Nigerians from all walks of life with a dogged resolution to collaboratively salvage, rebuild and reposition Nigeria among the leading nations of the world.


The Executive Director,
Great Nigerian Assembly (GNA)

Address : 1900 N Austin Avenue, Suite 210,
Chicago, IL 60639

Tel : +1-773-715-3644



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